A majority of business organizations today are aware of the fact that developing high performing teams is the key to ensuring consistent growth and success. They are also aware of the fact that building such teams are impacted by various factors, the most important of which is the type of workplace culture. In this context, business organizations tend to have various doubts and queries for which they seek the answers from the executive search firms in Canada partnering with them. The most common of these questions about workplace culture along with their answers are given below.

Why Is It Important For Organizations To Get Their Company Culture Right?
Culture plays such an important role in developing great teams as it defines the identity of an organization. The culture represents the beliefs, principles, and ideologies of an organization that binds the members of its workforce together and give meaning to what they are working for. By getting their culture right, business organizations providing the employees with an environment that makes them feel empowered to be creative, productive and decisive. Such work culture helps in attracting and retaining the best minds and providing a competitive advantage to the business organization.

Why Is It So Difficult To Establish The Right Workplace Culture?
Most business organizations consider the process of establishing the right work culture as just another HR project that needs to be completed with a definite timeline. It is this approach that makes establishing the right workplace culture so difficult. According to the experts from the top executive search firms in Canada, the process involves redefining the entire value system of an organization and its workforce. To implement this change in the most effective manner, it is important to provide proper training at every level of the business, especially the executive levels. It is also important for the executives to maintain constant and consistent communication with their team members to help them better understand the need and benefits of the ongoing change.
What Are The Mistakes Committed By Leaders In Developing The Right Work Culture?
The leaders generally commit three mistakes while developing the right workplace culture. Firstly, they treat the process as an HR project without considering the fact that culture needs to be aligned with business goals and strategy. It should be an ongoing and iterative process instead of being time bound and can be accomplished only through comprehensive involvement of leaders. Secondly, establishing the right culture should not be a number game based on diversity targets. Rather the leaders need to focus on creating and promoting a culture of inclusion. Thirdly, the leaders should stop trying to implement the change from the top down and acknowledge and model the change simultaneously at every business level.

What Actions Should The Leaders Take To Impact The Culture In A Positive Manner?
As mentioned before implementing cultural change is no simple task but a complex and ongoing process. Hence it is important for the leaders to immolate behaviors they want to be projected in the work culture. In fact, the best executive search firms in Canada are of the opinion that having leadership alignment is of utmost importance in this context.
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